Full power at Butendiek offshore wind farm
Bringing the 80th wind turbine into operation seals the “success story Butendiek” – the 288 MW North Sea windfarm that supplies approximately 370,000 households with renewable energy
Bringing the 80th and thus final wind turbine into operation, the construction of the offshore wind farm Butendiek is now complete. Joint owners wpd, Marguerite Fund, Siemens Financial Services, Industriens Pension, Pensionskassernes Administration (PKA), CDC Infrastructure and ewz (Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich) are therefore pleased to announce, that the 288 MW wind farm, located in the North Sea, is now in full operation. wpd, the Bremen wind developer and operator is responsible for the construction and operation phases.
In March 2014, offshore works began. All foundations, cables and the substation were installed according to schedule during the last year. Mid-June, the 80th wind turbine was installed and now brought into operation.
“Already eleven months after start of construction, the first wind turbine fed electricity into the public grid. This makes Butendiek the fastest established offshore project”, says project director Martin Lehnhoff.
“Thanks to the intensive collaboration of all parties involved, the Butendiek project became a real success story in many ways”, says Achim Berge Olsen, Managing Director of OWP Butendiek GmbH & Co. KG and wpd offshore GmbH. “The lowest value has been measured regarding noise emissions during installation and the 1.3 bn euro OWF Butendiek project has been completed on schedule and within budget. From now on, OWF Butendiek is able to supply 370,000 households with green energy.”
Key data on the Butendiek Offshore Wind Farm:
- 80 turbines with a total output of 288 MWLocated in the German North Sea, approx. 32 km west of Sylt
- Low water depths (17-22 meters) and good soil conditions
- Investors: Marguerite Fund, Siemens Financial Services, Industriens Pension (IP), Pensionskassernes Administration (PKA), CDC Infrastructure, ewz (electricity company of the city of Zurich), wpd
- Cooperation with major suppliers: Siemens (Siemens SWT 3.6-120 turbines), Ballast Nedam (foundations), VBMS (park-internal cabling), Cofely Fabricom GdF Suez (substation)
- Grid connection via the SylWin-Cluster
- Commissioning: successive commissioning after installation of the turbines as of autumn 2014, completion of the entire Butendiek Offshore Wind Farm in June 2015
- Renewable energy supply to around 370,000 households
- Total investment : 1.3 billion Euro
wpd AG
Christian Schnibbe
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