Installation of offshore substation completed


BU_OSS_Installation_Topside_(c)wpdOne of Butendiek’s most important milestones was reached on Sunday: the substation’s topside has been mounted onto the jacket foundation.

The platform was shipped on a pontoon from the production yard in Antwerpen to the Danish port of Esbjerg. After a short stopover it continued its journey to the construction area Offshore Wind Farm Butendiek this Saturday. At the site the heavy lift vessel Rambiz was already positioned after installation of the jacket foundation. The platform, weighing 2,300 tons, was heaved in the afternoon and finally lifted into position late in the evening.

After the platform was welded to the jacket foundation, the commissioning of the auxiliary systems and the power components was started.

The offshore substation converts the 33 kV medium voltage, produced from the wind turbines to 155 kV and transports the power to Tennet’s converter station SylWin.
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