Full power at Butendiek offshore wind farm

Bringing the 80th wind turbine into operation seals the “success story Butendiek” – the 288 MW North Sea windfarm that supplies approximately 370,000 households with renewable energy.
OWP Butendiek produces first kilowatt hours

24 turbines completely installed in the North Sea
The offshore wind farm Butendiek in the North Sea started operation of its first wind turbines.
All foundations, cables and the substation were...
First wind turbines erected in OWF Butendiek – Foundation installation completed

With the installation of the last transition piece, connecting the monopile foundation and the wind turbine tower, all 80 foundations were successfully completed on September 18th.
In parallel the...
Donation to German Maritime Search and Rescue Association

In acknowledgement of the emergency mission with the rescue cruiser Pidder Lüng at the beginning of July, OWP Butendiek GmbH & Co. KG and Ballast Nedam Offshore donated € 20,000 to the German...
80 monopiles installed, lowest sound levels measured

On 22th of July in the morning the last of totally 80 foundation piles was driven into the seabed by the hydraulic hammer. The application of two independently operating noise mitigation systems...
Installation of offshore substation completed

One of Butendiek’s most important milestones was reached on Sunday: the substation’s topside has been mounted onto the jacket foundation.
The platform was shipped on a pontoon from the...
Loading of first monopiles for transport to Esbjerg

The first four completed monopiles have been loaded on the cargo vessel „Polaris“ at EEW’s Special Pipe Construction’s yard on Wednesday and Thursday. The 750 tonne monopiles will be shipped...
Start of foundation production in Rostock at EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH

The rolling and welding of giant steel plates takes place in EEW’s manufacturing yard to form the pipe sections for the monopiles and transition pieces. The steel plates are up to 90 mm thick. With...